Photoshop for mac computer

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If you want to test, then test the speed of iMac 2013 with iMac 2015. The SSD drives are much faster than SATA drives. The reason is that my Dell has SATA hard drive and MacBook has SSD. You might be wondering that my Dell has 1 TB space then why did it lose against my MacBook’s 256 GB. I still have my MacBook in my drawer and I can use it whenever I want.īefore I proceed, I would like to tell you the configurations of my current windows PC and MacBook Pro 2015 with retina display. The reason I switched to Windows that I do a lot of other stuff for my other businesses and Windows integrate better with my requirements. Related: How to Optimize the Performance of Photoshop If you’re thinking that I switched from MacBook to Windows because I think Photoshop is better for Windows than macOS then you are wrong.

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I used it for 2 years before the MacBook and then from the past 1 year till today.

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Although, I did not use the Windows for 3 continuous years. Many times people ask them that which one is better for Photoshop – MacBook or Windows? They know that I have used Photoshop for 2 years on my MacBook and around 3 years on Windows.