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**NOTE**: Running the instance without specifying a volume does NOT save the data if the instance is killed. Please try to install the 'C++ redistributable' by following the instructions ().ĭocker run -name typedb -d -p 1729:1729 vaticle/typedb:latest **NOTE**: If you are experiencing the following error,Įxception in thread 'main' :Ĭ:\Users\Vaticle\AppData\Local\Temp\ortools-java\win32-x86-64\jniortools.dll: Can't find dependent libraries Having downloaded TypeDB, we can now start the (#start-the-typedb-server) and interact with the (./console/console). To upgrade an existing installation via brew:ĭownload the (), unzip it in a location on your machine that is easily accessible via command prompt. Having installed or downloaded TypeDB, we can now start the (#start-the-typedb-server) and interact with the (./console/console). If TypeDB doesn't have a distribution you need, please open an issue (). Install TypeDB Server and TypeDB Console:ĭownload the (), unzip it in a location on your machine that is easily accessible via terminal. Sudo apt-get install -only-upgrade libstdc++6 Sudo add-apt-repository ppa:ubuntu-toolchain-r/test **NOTE**: Ubuntu 16.04 requires some extra steps to be able to install TypeDB, namely upgrading `libstdc++`: Sudo add-apt-repository 'deb trusty main' Sudo apt-key adv -keyserver -recv 8F3DA4B5E9AEF44C Sudo apt install software-properties-common apt-transport-https